Just for today, I will let go of anger.
One of the biggest blockages to an easy flow of life force energy is anger: Anger at others, or oneself, or the whole world. Reiki gently breaks through and dissolves those blockages, most of which have built up over the years. We preserve that flow when we banish anger from our lives on a daily basis.
Just for today, I will let go of worry.
Worry is borrowed trouble. When worry becomes the dominant thought in our minds, we break the flow of energy to all parts of our being. Reiki encourages the dissolution of worry, thereby assisting in the free flow of energy and bringing healing to our entire existences.
Just for today, I will be grateful.
Gratitude encourages the blossoming of our hearts. When we express our thanks, speak kindly and with feeling about our appreciation of someone, or simply smile at the world, we bring happiness to everyone we touch. An attitude of gratitude also fills our own spirits with joy.
Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
Working honestly means bringing the best of intentions to everyone to whom we give Reiki treatments. Intending the highest good is expressed in the affirmation, “With the greatest good for all and the slightest harm to none, I offer to channel the abundant Reiki energy.”
Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.
We are all connected. Imagine a pitch-black room filled with 20 people. They all light candles. Can you distinguish which particle of light comes from which person’s candle? No. The light of one spills into all the surrounding light. So it is with us, Beings of Light. When we are kind to every living thing, we are adding to the Light of the Universe. We are being kind to ourselves.